We’re Watching You Mr President

Our aim is to challenge the lies and misinformation, as well as self- aggrandisement from the new President of the USA. We hope to highlight when his “Freedom of Speech” is in fact harmful lying.

20th January 2025.

On the day of your inauguration Mr Trump, we alert you to the fact that we see what you do, we know the ways in which you manipulate the American people and we will call you out on this throughout your presidency.

“Dictators are especially good at targeting socially and economically vulnerable people – those who are not always very well educated or informed and, as such, often feel confused and insecure. Dictators exploit the rage and frustration of this population through the psychological process of “identification with the aggressor”. Many of the disempowered see in the “strong” man or woman both a reflection of themselves and the promise of a victory over their downtrodden state. They are caught in the allure of illusions and magical thinking. They become brainwashed.

Whatever the societal wrong, dictators are adept at inciting blame and scapegoating. They play off the primitive defence mechanism of “splitting”, positioning issues in terms of in- and out-groups, magnifying external threats and fanning a collective paranoia. At the same time, dictators offer themselves as steadfast saviours. Buying into the simplistic, binary propositions, their followers align themselves with the “good fight” against evil and become intolerant of those they perceive as different.”

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries , INSEAD Distinguished Clinical Professor of Leadership Development & Organisational Change

Keeping your citizens ignorant serves your interests in achieving and maintaining power. The states where you won your biggest majorities are ranked 50th out of 50 – Arizona, 48th out of 50 – Nevada, 46th out of 50 – Alabama, 44th out of 50 – Oklahoma and 43rd out of 50 – North Carolina. Shame on you for capitalising on your voters ignorance, and for allowing such sorry standards in your state schools.

We’re watching you Mr President